
Why should you buy EV charging station?


Owning electric vehicle is quite different experience compared to owning internal combustion car (ICE). Due to limited range and the fact that it is not easy and cheap to use fast charging station one should consider installing personal charging station in his garage. In fact in most of EU countries it is quite expensive to use public EV charging stations. The price of electricity @public charger can be with 300-400% mark-up compared to electricity price you pay at home (f.e. in Norway you pay 0.12 eur/kwh at home and almost 0.5eur/kwh @ public charger). So your private EV charging station will pay off very soon. But more importantly you will reduce your range anxiety as you will make sure that every morning you have nearly fully charged battery in your car (please note that you should charge only up to 80% of your battery capacity to minimise long term battery degradation).

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